Casual vs Hard core gamers

I have been talking about different gamers and gaming styles and how they differ, I was told about what some games try to achieve, some are meant to be casual games and others are meant to be Hard core, in this document i talk about what we discussed.

Casual vs

Casual Game Concept

I have been working on a concept for a casual game, this required me to come up with the character, the story and what the game is going to be like. I have produced a character sheet with all the information about him, I did a game concept sheet which included the original proposal and finally i created a working section of the game.

The idea I had been to make a side scroller which required the player to fly through an environment without dying. My original idea was to add in enemies that fire upon the player as well as allowing the player to return fire. These ideas how ever were more difficult than first anticipated, I am relatively new to flash as well as coding and I didn’t anticipate the amount of time I would spend trying to get the smallest detail to work. The character in the game has the ability to move in all directions whilst having the appearance of flying. I did manage to get him to walk and jump but i felt this was unnecessary for my game.


This is a screen shot of it as a whole, I feel I have kept it as basic as possible, this is mainly because I didn’t want to bite of more than I could chew and secondly I didn’t want to start trying to add extra bits in and find my self out of time with something that is unfinished.

One of the major factors I can take away from this is the fact I now have some code which will allow me to go away and have another try, I will also be able to build on what I have done and make games that are a lot more detailed.

Game concept

I have started a task of making a game of my own, I was asked to come up with a proposal of my own and needed it to be emailed off and approved. My original idea was posted previously but i have decided to go another way with my idea making it a different type of game.

Game proposal

Once it is approved I can begin work.

Today I began the early stages of making a game, I was given a criteria sheet that I had to work through, this sheet got me thinking about all elements of the game and helped me understand how much i need to include to make it successfull.

Game concept work sheet

This is the first stage underway.

Character Design

My latest task was to design a character using only a word document, I was given certain criteria to stick to. I had to come up with every thing from their name to their faorite foods and pets.  The character was easy enough to create however when it came to putting them into a gaming setting with a back storey i had to think a bit harder. I decided to make it free roam open world game with a linear storey, (an example of this type of game of would be Fable or Sleeping dogs) I chose this because they are the type of games I enjoy playing so they are easy to relate to.

I found this task enjoyable and thought it was a useful learning experience, it got me thinking about every thing rather than just the charcters apperience. It will help in the future when I come to creating characters again.

Basic Information.

This link is the sheet showing every thing I came up with.

This image is what i was seeing in my head when i came up with the character. This character sheet shows what he looks like as well as his height and what he carries around in his pocket.

This next image is some concept art of the character.

Console time line

I was asked to create a lime line of games consoles along with some of the popular games that were available. I did this with a partner, I did the majority of the research and my partner came up with the design. This task gave me a lot of useful information relating to the games industry and how it has evolved.

I also did a hand drawn timeline, this was because I did not have much design input on the submitted copy. In this I showed all of the consoles we researched as well as the years they were released, however I did not show the popular games that were released with them.

Becasue this task was the first of the course I found it suitable as well as helpful in relation to the games industry.